Our Expertise

Constitutional Law
  • Preparation of court documents and representation in the Constitutional Court
  • Preparation of expert opinion
Criminal Law
  • Consulting and preparation of documentation
  • Representing the interests of the victim
  • Representing/protecting the interests of the witness during investigation and in court
  • Representing/protecting the interests of the accused during investigation and in court
Administrative Law
  • Providing consultation and preparation of legal opinion
  • Preparing an administrative complaint
  • Representation in administrative bodies regarding administrative disputes
  • Preparation of an administrative claim/counterclaim
  • Representation in court regarding administrative disputes
Civil Law
  • Consulting
  • Preparation of legal conclusions
  • Representation in Court and arbitration
  • Recognition/enforcement of the decision of a foreign country
Contract Law
  • Drafting contracts
  • Preparation of legal analysis of the contracts
  • Representation of clients interests while drafting contract and implementation process
  • Representation in court and arbitration on disputes related to contract law
Corporate Law
  • Preparation and registration of funding documents of entrepreneurial and non-entrepreneurship legal entities and branch of a foreign country
  • Registration of changes to registered data
  • Merge, split/division, reorganization
  • Representing and defending client interests in international merges/acquisitions and corporate transactions
  • Issuance of securities and shares
  • Representation at partner meetings
  • Preparation of contracts related to service of managing and representative authorities
  • Preparation of share purchase agreements
  • Consulting and conducting negotiations
  • Representation in courts and administrative bodies
Investment Law
  • Preparation of legal assessment on legal factors related to investment issues
  • Preparation of investment agreements
  • Consulting and conducting negotiations
  • Representation in courts and arbitration
Labour Law
  • Consultation, negotiation and preparation of relevant documentation to avoid labor disputes
  • Preparation of labor law documentation
  • Representation in court
Healthcare Law
  • Preparation of documentation related to medical services for medical institutions
  • Representation in courts and administrative bodies
  • Consultation, negotiation and preparation of relevant documentation to avoid labor disputes
  • Legal services related to pharmaceutical activities
  • Legal services related to health insurance
Family and Inheritance Law
  • Preperation of mariage contracts
  • Counsultation and representation in court on issues related to divorce
  • Representation in court on disputes related to the restriction of perental rights
  • Representation in administrative bodies and courts in cases related to adoption
  • Consultation nd representation on issues related to inheritance
Media Law
  • Providing consultation
  • Preparation of legal documentation related to TV-radio broadcasting
  • Representation in the Communications Commission and other administrative bodies
  • Representation in court
  • Representation in disputes related to the dissemination of information damaging honor, dignity and reputation
Real Estate/Construction Law
  • Assessment of legal status and risks of real estate
  • Ensuring the correctness of the legal concept of development projects
  • Drafting contracts and preparation of legal opinions
  • Conducting negotiations
  • Representation in administrative bodies, courts and arbitration
  • Preparation of tender documents
  • Legal support for participation in the auction
  • Legal services related to construction permit acquisition
  • Reclaiming the item from illegal possession
  • Recognition of ownership rights to arbitrarily occupied land
  • Legal services related to obtaining citizenship/residence right
Intellectual Property Law
  • Legal services related to copyright (Consulting, Preparation of copyright/license agreements and representation of clients interests while drafting contract and implementation process, preparation of legal analysis of the contracts)
  • Trademark, logo and patent registration
  • Representation in administrative bodies and courts
Tax/Customs Law
  • Legal assessment of tax risks in various transactions
  • Providing cosultation
  • Proceeding of tax disputes in administrative bodies and courts
Banking/Financial Law
  • Providing legal services for banking sector, microfinance organizations and financial institutions (registration/obtaining a license and ect.)
  • Protecting the interests of the legal entities and phisical persons who are in legal relationship with banking sector, microfinance organizations financial institutions
  • Representation in administrative bodies and courts
  • Providing consultation and preparation of legal opinion
  • Representation of creditor’s interests
  • Representation of the debtor’s interests
Procurement law
  • Providing consultation and preparation of legal opinion, drafting contracts
  • Representation in administrative bodies and courts
  • other legal services related to procurement law
Energy Law
  • Legal assistance in obtaining the necessary licenses to operate in the electricity, oil and oil products, natural gas and water supply sectors
  • Providing legal assistance in dealing with energy regulators, representation in court
  • Drafting specific agreements and preparation of legal analysis of contract
Recognition/enforcement of decisions of foreign countries
  • Recognition/enforcement of decisions of foreign countries
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